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Tips for Getting a Små Lån or Small Business Loan

Small Business Loan

If you are thinking about opening a new business, you may need to get a small business loan. Small business loans can be difficult to get, but if you have all the right documentation, it can be much easier. You will also need to write a good application for why you need as much money as you do.

You can go to many different lenders to get a small business loan. It is not as easy to get små lån på dagen, or a same day small business loan, but it might be possible. Some online lenders might be able to help you with this, but you will most likely have to pay a higher interest rate for that privilege. You will have to do some research to find the right loan for you and your small business.

This article will help you to learn more about small business loans and how to get them. It will lead you in the right direction to find the loan that will best fit you and your business. You can always do more research and find out more information, but this article will help you to get started.

Loans to Consider

There are many different types of loans that you can consider. A traditional loan is always one way to go, but it can be more difficult to get approved for. You could also consider a government loan, merchant cash advances, business credit cards, business lines of credit, and there are other short to medium term loans that could help you.

You will need to create a budget before you consider applying for a loan. You want to compare lenders and check you credit score and your credit history so you will be aware of any issues that may come up. After this you will need to see how much you will need for your small business. These things will help you to get your loan together before you apply.

You will also need to talk with your accountant to get all your paperwork is in proper order. You will probably need your tax returns for the last couple of years and your financial statements. This will help the lender to be able to see what they can do for you. You want things to go as easy for you as they can, and if you have everything in order, it will be much easier.

There are two major things that you need to be aware of as you apply for your first small business loan. Since you are seeking your loan, you will need to present your business idea, your business plan, and financial forecasts to the lender. How you present all that can make or break your chances for the loan. Once you get the loan, you will also need to be very careful about how you use the funds in order to have a successful small business.

  1. Traditional Bank Loans – These are the most difficult to acquire and you will need to have the best business plan for this type of loan. The tradeoff is that you will have more favorable terms, both with your interest rates and the repayment term. These loans, once you acquire them, will probably be the most cost effective for you.
  2. Government Loans – With government loans, you may even be able to have lower interest rates and longer repayment terms. The most well-known government loan is the small business loan from the Small Business Administration, and they can help out in the most dire of circumstances. There are other government loans that you can research and consider for you business.
  3. Merchant Cash Advances – These are loans that you get from merchants, and you pay back with your credit and debit card sales. They usually have a higher interest rate than typical loans, but they may be easier to obtain because they are guaranteed with your sales. The better sales that you make, the better off the merchants are because you will pay them off sooner. These advances can be paid back daily, weekly, or monthly for your convenience.
  4. Business Lines of Credit – The good thing about lines of credit is that you can use them over and over again until you no longer need to or until you run out of cash. These typically have higher interest rates, but sometimes if you pay them off before the due date, you can save those interest payments.
  5. Business Credit Cards – These are just like your personal credit card; they are just used for your business. They typically have higher interest rates, but like your lines of credit, if you pay them off in full before you due date, you can save those interest costs. These can be difficult to obtain if you do not have stellar credit, so try to keep your credit history in good standing.
  6. Long-Term Loans – These loans are generally for larger amounts of money with longer periods to pay them off. The interest rates will depend on how much money and how long you take to pay the loan off. It will also depend on your credit history and your credit score. The better the history and score, the better terms you will get.

Do’s and Don’ts of Your First Small Business Loan

1. Do Create a Real Budget

You will want to create a realistic budget to present to the lender. 90% of the time, borrowers come in with unrealistic projections of their profit from their business, and lenders will turn those people down. You need to be thinking realistically about how much you can make and present that budget to the lender. You will also have to back up those profit estimations with some kind of proof that you will actually do that well. Lenders do not want pie-in-the-sky ideas, they want cold hard facts.

2. Do Have Budget References

You want to show proof that your budget will work, so you need to back it up with details. If you are providing a service, you want to show that you can provide the service for a set amount of money that is based on other businesses in your area. You do not want to get too detailed, but you want short, concise details about each line in your budget. You also want to detail why someone would come to you for this service and not go to your competition.

3. Do Not Overestimate Your Income

Once you have completed your budget, go back over it, and reduce your income by at least 25%. This way you will not overestimate your income as so many first-time business owners often do. This is one reason that these businesses often go out of business in the first year. Underestimate your earnings and you may have extra money at the end of the year, or when you are having difficulty with your business.

4. Do Not Underestimate Your Expenses

There will be expenses that you will forget, or that you do not even realize will occur. If you underestimate your expenses, you will not have the money to pay for these extra expenses. Instead, overestimate these by at least 25% to cover the unexpected.

5. Do Have Extra Funds

As a small business owner, you will want to make sure that you have the money to pay all your bills for at least the first year. It will be difficult enough to get your first loan, if you are not showing any profit in the first six months, no one will want to give you a second loan. Make sure you budget those extra funds so that this will not be an issue for you.

6.Do Not Stress About Finances

You need to believe in yourself and your business to be successful. If you cannot concentrate on marketing and bringing in business, you will not be successful. So, concentrate on that and do not stress so much about the finances. If you believe enough and are successful with marketing, you will do well. If you do not believe in yourself and your business, who else will?

7. Do Compare Lenders

If you skip this step, you could lose out on a great deal that a bank could offer you. No two lenders will offer you the same deal, they will have different amounts that they will offer you, different interest rates, and different repayment terms. If you do not compare lenders, you could miss out on an outstanding deal that will save you time and money in the future.

8. Do Check Your Credit Score

If you know your credit score, you can work with the lenders better. You can have a low credit score and still get a good loan if you can assure your lender that you will pay them off. If there are issues with your credit, you can work on those issues before you apply. You just need to know what you need to fix before you can fix it.


There are many things that you need to understand before you apply for your small business loan. You will want to get your affairs in order so that you can apply successfully. You will need to write a great business plan that can convince a lender that you and your business are worthy of getting the loan. This means checking your credit score, making realistic predictions of your income and your expenses. It also means that you have to sell yourself and your business to the lender.

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